Archive for June 7, 2004


Pope sends heartfelt condolences to Nancy Reagan

The Vatican Press Office announced today that Pope John Paul II sent a heartfelt telegram to Nancy Reagan, expressing his... Read more


Two new auxiliary bishops for Philadelphia

This morning Pope John Paul II appointed Msgr. Joseph Robert Cistone, Vicar of the diocese, and Msgr. Joseph Patrick McFadden,... Read more


Secret Vatican Archives to release report on prisoners of war during WWII

This month the secret Vatican Archives will publish "Inter Arma Caritas: the Information Office in the Vatican for prisoners of... Read more


Vatican observatory hosts viewing of Venus transit

The Vatican Observatory at the Papal palace at Castelgandolfo is the site of a large congregation of astronomers this week... Read more


Church leaders commend president for support for refugees, faith-based initiatives

Representatives of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops commended President George W. Bush for his remarks in support of refugees... Read more


NAACP threatens suit against Catholic University

The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has threatened to sue Catholic University of... Read more


Catholic League gives Durbin’s scorecard a failing grade

Senator Dick Durbin’s “Catholic Scorecard”, which ranks Catholic U.S. senators based on their votes on domestic, international and pro-life issues,... Read more


Man jailed for causing girlfriend’s miscarriage in Canada

A man was sentenced to one year in prison and two years probation after giving his pregnant girlfriend potent drugs,... Read more


Cuban Catholics call for development that places priority on good of man

The Lay Diocesan Council of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, published a statement this week denouncing the serious crisis that is... Read more


Government puts sanctions on hold for Chilean mayors who refuse to distribute abortion pills

The Health Ministry of Chile has officially put sanctions on hold against mayors who refuse to distribute the controversial morning... Read more


John Paul II is international leader most admired by Spanish

Pope John Paul II is the world leader most admired by the Spanish according to the Elcano Royal Institute. Read more