Archive for March 1, 2006


Catholics seek ‘just model’ in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Bosnia-Herzegovina’s new High Representative of the International community must seek “a just model” of rule for the country, where currently... Read more


North Korea ranked top persecutor of Christians

For the fourth straight year, North Korea has made the top spot on the 2006 Open Doors “World Watch List”... Read more


Democrats Statement of principles seen as a "sham" and "bundle of contradictions" by Catholic leaders

The Democrats’ “Statement of Principles”, signed by 55 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, is “a sham” and... Read more


Massachusetts governor would support abortion ban, and would respect Catholic Charties regarding adoption by Homosexuals

Gov. Mitt Romney said he would sign a bill banning abortion if one were passed and would meet with the... Read more


Holy Father drops traditional papal title in effort to show universality of papacy

Pope Benedict XVI has chosen to drop the traditional papal title, “Patriarch of the West” reportedly, in hopes of furthering... Read more


Lent illuminates daily Christian struggle against evil, says Pope

This love, he said, "must be translated into concrete gestures towards others, especially towards the poor and needy," namely because... Read more


Cardinal Levada explains reasons for not admitting homosexuals to the priesthood

During an installation ceremony of the new rector of the North American Pontifical College in Rome, Cardinal William Levada, prefect... Read more


Archbishop Cordes decries lack of apostolic spirit in certain ecclesial institutions

Archbishop Paul Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, said this week certain ecclesial institutions north of the Alps... Read more


Colombian bishops organize campaign for International Women’s Day

The National Secretariat for Social Ministry of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia will celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8... Read more


Commission to investigate persecution and collaboration of clergy during Communist Poland

A group of historians and experts has established a commission in Krakow at the request of the city’s archbishop, Cardinal-designate... Read more