New ecclesial movements, Catholic media and renewed efforts in youth ministry are three means the Brazilian bishops have identified to evangelize youth in their country.

“Currently, we are losing our young faithful in schools, universities and in the professional life, while the sects are full of youngsters,” said Bishop Carlos Verzeletti of the northeast Brazilian diocese of Castanhal.

“But now, the Brazilian bishops are convinced that there must be 1000 ways to evangelize young people,” he told Aid to the Church in Need during a recent visit to the organization’s head office in Germany.

He stressed the importance of the new ecclesiastical movement and spoke of his intention to establish prayer groups for young people in his diocese.

The diocese also intends to publish catechetical booklets for young people. The first, titled “In Christ, Free from Sin,” is aimed at strengthening the ethical dimension of pastoral work with young people.

He recognized the importance to the work of permanent deacons. To date, there are 60 candidates in his diocese. He also established The Nazareth Foundation in 1995. the foundation runs a radio and a TV station for the Amazon region as well as a Catholic weekly newspaper and a website (