The president of the Bishops’ Conference of Italy, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, called on political candidates this week to defend life and the family and to reject the legalization of homosexual civil unions.

 “It is troubling that in some Italian regions laws are being considered or have already been approved that put marriage and civil unions on the same level,” the cardinal warned during opening remarks for a meeting of the executive committee of the Conference.

He said the bishops would not “take sides with any political group” but that they would fulfill their duty to remind Catholics, voters and candidates of “the unrenounceable principles that must guide their policies.”

Among these principles are “respect for human life from the moment of conception until natural death, support for the legitimate family founded upon marriage and in particular upon its duty to bring forth and educate children.”  Politicians, he continued, have a responsibility to reject laws that would seriously compromise the importance and role of the family.

Lastly, the cardinal called on Catholics to fully participate in political life and avoid creating “a cultural diaspora” which would result in the social teaching of the Church receiving less attention in the political world.