This morning Pope Benedict XVI received Bishops from the Italian dioceses of the Marche region along with a group of pilgrims, he exhorted them to announce and to testify the Gospel with courage.  

"In the present climate of religious and cultural pluralism,” the Holy Father stated, “we recognize that the message of Jesus is not known by many, therefore, every Christian is called to a renewed and courageous commitment to announce and give testimony to the Gospel."  The light of the Gospel, the Pope added, is "a light for personal life and a sign that orients social life."

He directed and encouraged the Bishops to "dedicate every effort so that basic Christian formation is attended to as much in the cities as in the smallest centers, so that all the categories of faithful may be prepared to receive with fruit the Sacraments, indispensable food for growth in the faith."

Finally, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged the bishops to promote, "a solid religious instruction that can withstand the challenges of an extensively secularized society."