The Catholic Bishops of Korea have written a letter to Bishop William S. Skylstad, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, expressing the profound shock and sorrow of all Catholic people in Korea over the tragic events at Virginia Tech University.

In the letter, dated April 18th and made public over the weekend, the bishops asked Skylstad to, “kindly to convey our heartfelt condolence and prayers for all the innocent young victims and the wounded, to their families and dear ones, and indeed to all the good people of the United States at this hour of their deep grief.

“We are particularly pained, as Koreans ourselves, to learn that this incomprehensible, dreadful act of violence was committed by a Korean student,” the Bishops wrote. “But we sincerely hope also that this tragedy does not generate new prejudice or violence among people, but rather be an occasion for all of us today to reflect anew on the suffering of our neighbors and the supreme dignity and value of human life.”

“We also hope it moves us to look with a caring heart whether people around us live in isolation and desperation, and embrace them with brotherly love.”

The letter was signed by Bishop John Chang Yik of Chunchon, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Korea.

In response, Bishop Skylstad said the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is grateful for the Korean Bishops’ expression of solidarity.

“I am sure that your kind expression of condolence and prayer will help to bring healing to our people,” he wrote.

Bishop Skylstad said he would share the message of the Catholic Bishops of Korea with Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of Richmond, the diocese in which Virginia Tech is located, and with the wider community in the United States.