Benedict XVI has sent a telegram of condolence to Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco of Valencia, Spain, for the death of more than 40 people in an accident on the city's underground railway system at midday yesterday.
"As I learn, with profound regret, the sad news of the accident on the Valencia underground which has filled so many families with grief, I offer up prayers for the eternal repose of the dead and request the Lord to concede consolation and serenity to those weeping the loss of their loved ones. I ask you to transmit my most heartfelt condolences to the relatives of the victims and to express my feelings of paternal spiritual closeness to the many injured; at the same time, I affectionately impart to everyone my consoling apostolic blessing as a sign of faith and hope in the Risen Christ."
The accident took place five days before the Pope's own arrival in Valencia where, this Saturday and Sunday, he is due to close the Fifth World Meeting of Families, currently being held in that city.

Reuters reports that the train’s “black box” has been located this morning.  Investigators are looking closely at the speed of the train to determine if it was traveling at an unsafe speed prior to derailment.