Archive for April 13, 2004


Christians need personal encounter with the risen Christ, Pope says

During his first General Audience of this Easter Season, Pope John Paul II said before some 25,000 pilgrims that Christians... Read more


Doctors recommend Pope allow assistant to read catechesis

Pope John Paul did not read the catechesis during Wednesday’s general audience following a recommendation of his personal physician, Dr.... Read more


Catholic schools need to teach about Catholic heroes, says Archbishop O’Malley

Catholic schools must teach students about Catholic heroes, especially in the current social climate, characterized by sexual immorality and an... Read more


Italian scientists find puzzling image on back of Turin shroud

Italian scientists have found another image on the back of the Shroud of Turin, reported The Guardian yesterday. The scientists... Read more


National Shrine begins effort to complete ceiling mosaic

After more than 35 years, the National Shrine will embellish in colorful mosaic a third dome in the Great Upper... Read more


Uruguayan Senate to vote on abortion law Wednesday

The Uruguayan Senate is set to vote on Wednesday on a bill that would legalize abortion for any reason during... Read more


Health Ministry to provide abortion pill to victims of rape in Chile

Despite a Chilean Supreme Court ruling that “the morning after pill” is abortifacient, the country’s Health Ministry announced it will... Read more


Venezuelan bishops to bring Vatican up to speed on their country’s crisis

The Bishops Conference of Venezuela issued a statement yesterday announcing that the body’s president, Archbishop Baltasar Porras, has traveled to... Read more