Archive for June 15, 2004


U.S. bishops approve national on-site audit at spring retreat

At their spring meeting yesterday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 207-14 in favor of a national on-site... Read more


One step closer to a vote on U.S. Federal Marriage Amendment

The Senate Republican leadership is aiming for a mid-July vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment – a constitutional amendment that... Read more


Pope: Christ is our peace and our deliverer from evil

In this morning’s general audience in St. Peter’s Square, the Holy Father taught that the message of Psalm 45, “God,... Read more


Pope praises progress of African churches, urges all society to help overcome problems in Africa

The Pope stressed the tragic injustice of the problems facing the African continent and praised the development of the African... Read more


Medical association’s support for greater access to morning-after pill ‘appalling’, says USCCB official

An official with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the recommendation of the American Medical Association to make the... Read more


Health minister insists on distributing abortion pill, says FDA data not current

Peru’s Minister of Health, Pilar Mazzetti, said this week she will not reverse her decision to distribute the morning after... Read more


Mass celebrated in honor of first Archbishop of Mexico, canonization likely

Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico, celebrated Mass yesterday in honor of the opening of the cause of canonization... Read more


Peruvian bishops: Morning after pill ends a human life

The Secretary General of the Peruvian Bishops Conference, Bishop Juan Jose Larrañeta, dismissed comments by Minister of Health Pilar Mazzetti... Read more