Archive for August 22, 2006


Pope: Only the Lamb can reveal the ultimate meaning of history in God’s eternal plan

Pope Benedict XVI urged Christians to be a people of hope and trust in the coming of God’s Kingdom in... Read more


Community groups decry ‘homosexual indoctrination’ bill aimed at public schools

The California Assembly passed a bill by a vote of 46-31 on Monday that says public schools may neither teach... Read more


New edition of Theology of the Body translated from original Polish

A new English translation of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body promises to offer a more true reading... Read more


Bandits attack Catholic priest in eastern India

A Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Ranchi, located in eastern India, was seriously wounded Aug. 21st while resisting a... Read more


Bishop calls for Catholic reaction to “moral emptiness of society”

Amidst the heated public debate in Argentina surrounding the recent cases of handicapped women whose families sought to obtain abortions... Read more


Archbishop encourages catechists to spread knowledge of Christ

During the celebration of Catechists Day on August 20, Archbishop Pastor Cuquejo of Asuncion, Paraguay, said the role of catechists... Read more


Secularization and tourism threatening religious feasts, warns Spanish bishop

Noting the large number of feast days that are celebrated in Spain during the month of August, Bishop Jose Sanchez... Read more


Cardinal encourages young people to put the word of God into practice

The Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Cardinal Julio Terrazas, congratulated the National Youth Ministry organization last Sunday for... Read more


Celebration of the Liturgy provides hope, says Holy Father’s message to conference

The Holy See made public today a letter written by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, in the name of Pope Benedict XVI,... Read more