Archive for November 16, 2006


Pope says the goal of Ecumenical dialogue remains unchanged: one single visible Church

Speaking to the participants at the plenary session of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Pope Benedict recalled that... Read more


Vatican: Milingo’s future depends on him, not the Vatican

A Vatican official who attended yesterday’s meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the heads of Vatican dicasteries to discuss the... Read more


Catholic, Protestant churches agree to produce common Urdu Bible

Catholic and Protestant Church leaders in Pakistan have agreed to use one Urdu Bible instead of two different versions, reported... Read more


Group seeks protection for Christians in India

A Christian group has appealed to a government agency to extend protection for Christians and their institutions across India, after... Read more


Film has duty to educate on human dignity, says archbishop

Movies have an educational value and must be used as a means to “knock down the wall of indifference” to... Read more


Sharpshooters, security cameras for Pope’s visit to Istanbul

Turkish authorities have announced that security will be tight during Pope Benedict XVI’s first visit to their country later this... Read more


Cardinal Schönborn to celebrate jubilee Mass of St. Peter’s Basilica

In an Austrian tribute to the jubilee celebration of the 500th anniversary of the laying of the first stone of... Read more


Cuban young people ask government to reopen Catholic university

Young people from different religious denominations have asked Cuba’s Department of Religious Affairs to reopen the University of St. Thomas... Read more


Mama Margarita, mother of John Bosco, declared venerable

Margarita Occhiena, mother of Salesian founder St. John Bosco, was declared venerable by Pope Benedict XVI through a decree that... Read more


Jerusalem archbishop says formation needed for dialogue with Islam and struggle against relativism

Coadjutor Archbishop Fouad Twal of Jerusalem said this week that in order for there to be inter-religious dialogue people need... Read more