Archive for November 8, 2009


Church to honor first U.S. citizen to be canonized on Nov. 13

On November 13, the universal Church will honor St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, an Italian missionary who spent much of her... Read more


Thousands of Catholics turn out for Rosary Sunday in Phoenix

From its humble beginnings in the church of St. Francis Xavier in Phoenix, Rosary Sunday has grown into an annual... Read more

Pensacola pro-lifers celebrate their victory. ?w=200&h=150

Pensacola abortion clinic closes at end of pro-life campaign

An abortion facility in Pensacola, Florida has announced that it will close, bringing joy to participants in the three 40... Read more

The new late-term abortion clinic / Pro-life leader Karen Garnett?w=200&h=150

Abortionist who knows he is ‘killing’ returns late-term abortions to Dallas

An abortionist who says he know he is “killing” has opened a late-term abortion clinic in North Texas, prompting local... Read more

President Barack Obama?w=200&h=150

Pro-life organizations celebrate Stupak amendment, warn of existing risks on health care bill

This morning, top pro-life organizations across the U.S. praised the inclusion of strong pro-life provisions on the health care bill... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Marian devotion is a means of guiding souls to Christ, says Benedict XVI

Speaking before Sunday’s Angelus in the city of Brescia, Italy, the Holy Father recalled Paul VI’s strong devotion to the... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Total gift of self is necessary to Christian life, says Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Sunday Mass for the 15,000 people squeezed into Brescia, Italy’s Paul VI Square. The Holy Father... Read more


Archbishop of Military Services expresses 'pain and solidarity’ with Ft. Hood victims

Recalling the tragedy last week in which one man opened fire on his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood in Texas,... Read more