Archive for March 15, 2011

Prayers for Joseph Whalin (far left) seek the intercession of Blessed Mother Teresa?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

Young cancer patient improves as parents ask for more prayers to Mother Teresa

Toddler cancer patient Joseph Wahlin is showing some positive signs following medical treatment and many prayers to Bl. Mother Teresa.  Read more


Church in El Salvador presses President Obama on immigration reform

Archbishop Jose Luis Escobar Alas of San Salvador, El Salvador is calling on U.S. President Barack Obama to move forward... Read more

Cardinal Keith O'Brien?w=200&h=150

Scottish cardinal accuses UK of 'anti-Christian foreign policy'

The leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland has accused the U.K. of adopting an “anti-Christian foreign policy,” after the... Read more


Spanish priest faces excommunication after claiming to have paid for an abortion

The Archdiocese of Barcelona announced it has opened an inquiry to “verify” whether Fr. Manel Pousa incurred automatic excommunication when... Read more

Patriarch Bechara Rai. ?w=200&h=150

Maronite Catholics in Lebanon receive new patriarch

Lebanon's Maronite Catholic Church has elected Bishop Bechara Rai, a 71-year-old monk, as its new patriarch.  Read more

People participate in the Rite of Election in the Westminster cathedral. ?w=200&h=150

One in five future Catholics in England and Wales headed for ordinariate

About 900 prospective members of the new ordinariate, including 61 former Anglican clergy, prepared for their reception into the Catholic... Read more