Archive for July 11, 2011


Officials find no lapse in security following disappearance of Calixtinus Codex

Officials in Spain “have not found any anomalies” in the security at the Cathedral of Santiago after the Calixtinus Codex... Read more


Cardinal De Paolis criticizes 'dissent' within Legion of Christ

A year after assuming duties as pontifical delegate for the Legion of Christ, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis gave a speech... Read more

Editor-in-chief of L'Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian?w=200&h=150

By Marianne Medlin

Vatican paper's editor calls for ‘info-ethics’ after News of the World scandal

The head of the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano says the recent phone hacking scandal involving a British tabloid shows the... Read more

Archbishop-elect Ranier Maria Woelk?w=200&h=150

New Archbishop of Berlin answers his critics

The Archbishop-elect of Berlin said that he will meet with gay activists, after they criticized his appointment as the new... Read more

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput?w=200&h=150

WYD 'Night of Joy' event to feature speakers, bishops and music

Organizers are billing the August 17 “Night of Joy” as one of the biggest evening events of World Youth Day.... Read more

Celebrations marked the independence of the Republic of South Sudan on July 9, 2011. ?w=200&h=150

By Katherine Veik

African clergy advise quick action on South Sudan's challenges

African clergy say the Republic of South Sudan, which gained independence on July 9, must take steps to resolve an... Read more