Archive for July 16, 2011


On a Mission: Young adults dedicated to evangelization

Every year, teams of young adults from around the country hit the road, armed with suitcases, sleeping bags, and hearts... Read more

President Dmitry Medvedev /  Photo ?w=200&h=150

Russia requires abortion ads to warn of health risks

The Russian government has enacted a law requiring abortion ads to carry health warnings about the procedure. Lawmakers say that... Read more

William B. May / California Governor Jerry Brown?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

California LGBT curriculum is ‘indoctrination,’ critic says

The California governor has signed into law a bill that will not simply require a “gay history” curriculum. It requires... Read more


Vatican welcomes Republic of South Sudan to the United Nations

The Vatican congratulated South Sudan, the world's newest country, for its admission to the United Nations on July 14. Read more


Chinese bishop faces excommunication following unapproved ordination

The Vatican has issued a statement noting that Father Joseph Huang Bingzhang, the latest bishop to be illicitly ordained in... Read more