Archive for March 9, 2012

Bishop Richard J. Malone of Portland, Maine.?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

Maine diocese will oppose 'gay marriage' ballot question

While some media outlets have presented Bishop Richard Malone of Portland’s new pastoral letter on marriage as a sign the... Read more

Archbishop Silvano M.Tomasi ?w=200&h=150

Migration beneficial to all involved, Vatican diplomat says

The Vatican’s top diplomat to the United Nations refugee agency told a conference in Rome that despite its challenges, migration... Read more

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Chaput discusses Catholic schools' future with students

After some closings and mergers, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia met with students in an online and in-person forum... Read more


Peruvian cardinal encourages doctors to see Christ in the sick

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima encouraged local doctors and health workers to always see Christ in the sick, who... Read more


Morning-after pill leads to increased abortions in Spain

New data from Spain's Ministry of Health shows that since the morning-after pill has been made available without a prescription,... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI. ?w=200&h=150

Youth need Catholic vision of sexuality, Pope tells American bishops

In an address that tackled attempts to redefine marriage, Pope Benedict XVI challenged the bishops of the United States to... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Pope: each confession helps the New Evangelization

Confession and true conversion of people’s hearts is the “motor” of all reform and an authentic “force for evangelization,” Pope... Read more

Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Convert priest thrilled to host Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury

Catholic convert Father Peter Hughes prefers to describe himself as “an Anglican who is now in full communion with Peter.”  Read more

New York Times' March 9, 2012 ad by Freedom From Religion Foundation. ?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

NY Times ad accused of 'hate speech' against Catholics

A secularist group's New York Times ad that urges Catholics to leave the Church over its' resistance to the contraception... Read more

Piles of debris in Ishinomaki, Japan, where a 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed thousands on March 11, 2011. ?w=200&h=150

On disaster's first anniversary, Japanese Catholics turn to prayer

A year after one of the most devastating Japanese natural disasters in history, Archbishop Leo Jun Ikenaga of Osaka is... Read more