Archive for April 9, 2019

U.S. President Ronald Reagan talks with Pope St. John Paul II. Courtesy U.S. Embassy to the Holy See?w=200&h=150

Commentary: US celebrates 35 years of diplomatic relations with the Holy See

Thirty-five years ago today, William A. Wilson presented his credentials to Pope John Paul II, becoming America’s first ambassador to... Read more

Pregnant woman with mobile phone. Via Shutterstock?w=200&h=150

By Christine Rousselle

Abortion reversal hotline sees 'Unplanned' spike in calls

The release and success of the pro-life film "Unplanned" is being credited with an uptick in women seeking information on... Read more

Parking lot sign at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish. Courtesy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish.?w=200&h=150

By Perry West

Calif. parish hopes parking lot signs will foster fruits of Holy Spirit

Hoping to curb incidents of after-Mass road rage, a Catholic church in San Diego has posted signs throughout the parking... Read more

Central American migrants and asylum-seekers prepare to board the freight train in Oaxaca, Mexico. ?w=200&h=150

Judge rules asylum seekers cannot be forced to remain in Mexico

Asylum seekers crossing the southern border may no longer have to return to Mexico while their cases are heard after... Read more


By Courtney Mares

Archbishop of Canterbury joins Pope Francis to co-host South Sudan retreat

The leaders of the newest country in the world will meet this week in the smallest country in the world.  Read more

A sign at the entrance to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room in Washington, D.C. ?w=200&h=150

Abortion survivor testifies before Senate committee as bishops back bill

Melissa Ohden testified before the committee Tuesday during hearings on the Pain-Capable Child Protection Act, telling senators that “abortion doesn't... Read more

The Great Mosque of Medan. ?w=200&h=150

Indonesian woman loses Supreme Court appeal over blasphemy conviction

Indonesia's Supreme Court has rejected the appeal of a Buddhist woman who was convicted of blasphemy for complaining about the... Read more


By Kevin J. Jones

Abortion takes center stage in state legislatures

With 2019 well underway, states across the country have seen an increase in bills related to abortion, as pro-life advocates... Read more

Bishop Franco Mulakkal. CNA file photo.?w=200&h=150

Indian bishop formally charged with rape

Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jullundur, India has been charged with raping a nun nine times over a two-year period and... Read more


By Christine Rousselle

New York archdiocese opens new affordable housing

The St. Augustine Terrace, located in the Bronx, was formally opened on Monday, and was blessed by Cardinal Timothy Dolan.... Read more

A Mass said according to Divine Worship, the Ordinariate use. ?w=200&h=150

By Hannah Brockhaus

Vatican updates norms for Anglican ordinariates

The Vatican updated Tuesday the complementary norms of the constitution governing personal ordinariates, a structure by which Anglicans may enter... Read more