CNA Editor's Desk CNA Editor's Desk: Christopher Yes or No?

pilgrims from the Italian dioceses of Bologna and Cesena Sarsina in St Peters Square CNA Pope Francis with pilgrims from the Italian dioceses of Bologna and Cesena-Sarsina in St. Peter’s Square, April 21, 2018.

Editors JD Flynn and Ed Condon return this week to talk about what we may expect from the Vatican before summer break. 

They also lay out the key takeaways of the Vatican's new instructions on parish reform, and discuss the situation in China.

JD plays a round of Christopher 'Yes or No.' 

Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app. 

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"><a href="" title="CNA Editor&#x27;s Desk" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">CNA Editor&#x27;s Desk</a> · <a href="" title="Christopher Yes or No?" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Christopher Yes or No?</a></div>

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