Catholic Charities and Caritas of Germany have expressed a heartfelt “no” to female prostitution during the World cup soccer tournament which is being held there next summer. They are calling for petition signatures protesting what they call a form of “slavery.”

In 2002, Germany officially legalized the prostitution industry, and now, with one of the largest sports competitions in the world coming to that country, women are being brought in from Eastern Europe for this purpose, says Germany’s Catholic Charities and Caritas organizations.

From June 9th, to July 9th, more than 3 million visitors are expected to attend the World Cup games. Catholic Charities has signed a petition against this form of exploitation and the new sex industry stressing that sex cannot be acquired at any price; that the human body is not a commodity that can be traded.

Prostitution, they said, is contrary to international standards, promotion of equality, respect and non-discrimination.