Auxiliary Bishop Juan Jose Pineda of Tegucigalpa, who is the mediator between the deposed Honduran president Manuel Zelaya and the government of Roberto Micheletti, stated last week that dialogue is the tool that will allow the country to overcome its political crisis.

After noting that conditions for dialogue between the parties are not yet present, Bishop Pineda explained that dialogue “is not something that takes place magically when people in conflict or difficulty, in tension or disagreement, expect to meet with one another. I think there is a process of preparation,” he said.
This process includes refining one’s positions and willingness to compromise, as well as defining the “values and principles” that one wishes to defend, the bishop continued.
“I understand that the two parties with whom I have met have in large measure already measured themselves, what their feelings are, what issues are negotiable and what issues aren’t,” he added.
“It is not the Church’s task to make political decisions,” the bishop stressed, “nor is it her task to take responsibility for this conflict. But she does have the task of helping in this process, as a guarantor of dialogue.”