The Spanish website “” (“Make Yourself Heard”) has launched a campaign urging people not to buy Christmas cards made by UNICEF since the organization will be using a percentage of the profits to fund anti-life activities.

The campaign aims to make citizens aware that a percentage of the profits from the sale of Christmas cards will be used for the promotion of abortion, the publishing of explicit sexual education books for children, and the promotion of sterilization campaigns among young women.

The website also hopes to get the attention of various commercial outlets that sell the cards—some of which include pictures by renowned figures of Christian religious art such as Blessed Angelico and Rafael—and to make them aware of the harm that is being done by selling them.

The boycott invites those interested to send letters to UNICEF making known their intention not to purchase the Christmas cards, as well as to banking and credit institutions, the postal service and shopping centers, which all collaborate in the distribution of the cards, asking them to refrain from doing so.

Pro-life groups point to the case of Venezuela as an example of the anti-life activity of UNICEF, where the organization provides distribution of “explicit sex-ed material that promotes experimentation and sexual activity, and instruction on the use of condoms and contraceptives” to children as early as 10 years of age in public and private schools.  In addition, the material “promotes masturbation and the possibility of ‘choosing’ one’s sexual identity.”

Similarly in El Salvador, pro-life groups added, UNICEF works with the United States International Aid Agency in the distribution of material that is annexed to economic aid programs that began after the earthquakes of 2001.  The material “exposes pre-pubesent children to sexual depravation,” in an attempt to make the use of contraceptives appear natural and to promote “promiscuity, sexual experimentation, prostitution, and ‘safe-sex’, including masturbation.”