Prayer by St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Our Mediatrix and Advocate
O blessed Lady, you found grace,
brought forth the Life,
and became the Mother of Salvation.
May you obtain the grace for us to go to the Son.
By your mediation,
may we be received by the One
who through you, gave himself to us.
May your integrity compensate with him
for the fault of our corruption;
and may your humility, which is pleasing to God,
implore pardon for our vanity.
May your great charity cover the multitude of our sins;
and may your glorious fecundity confer on us a fecundity of merits.
Dear Lady,
our Mediatrix and Advocate,
reconcile us to your Son,
recommend us to him,
and present us to your Son.
By the grace your found,
by the privilege you merited,
by the mercy you brought forth,
obtain for us the following favor,
O blessed Lady.
May the One who – thanks to you – came down to share our infirmity and wretchedness
make us share –
again thanks to you –
his glory and beatitude:
Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,
who reigns in heaven and is blessed forever!