Mother of the ill

God is love!
holy Scripture teaches us,
and you
beloved mother,
know it better than all of us.
No evil
comes from him,
he does out of love,
for the good of human being.
God does not produce evils
nor tents anyone.

To save us from evil
brought into humanity
trough sin
the eternal word
in the virginal womb
he suffered and gave himself voluntarily,
for us on the cross.

How little,
we are aware,
of so much love!

Illness is not an evil,
sent by God.
He never sends evil
to his creatures.

You know it well
our mother
help me,
understand it
live it and communicate it.

Sometimes we are oblivious
of the goodness
the divine mercy.
When before illness
this occurs
it obscures our understanding,
and memory blurs.
When one suffers
suffocating in pain
there is a risk
that one bewilders
and might fall into temptation.
It is required
the light of faith
and the force from above
to go forth
with the wind of the Holy Spirit
plowing the painful waters
of illness
In the danger
of being tempted.

You suffered,
and how!
burning with ardor
for Jesus,
you overcame
all tribulations.
Wise master
of patience,
help me to bear
with much serenity.
When more difficult,
and tough the sickness,
when greater the suffering
I go through
help me
and assist me,
more and more,
with the sweet balm,
of your motherly love.
You know well,
the importance
of the great virtue,
of patience.

Mother of wisdom,
grant me
to recall
the great mystery
of love
which are enveloped
in Christ crucified
In the saving agony.

How weak and fragile
I received the invitation
to associate myself
to the sufferings
of Jesus
in my own sufferings.

May I understand,
when suffocation worsens
the great mystery
through which
our pains and illnesses
as we embrace Jesus’ cross
loose their force,
and leave their senselessness,
to be an opportunity
to suffer with Christ
to add,
our illness
to the pain he left
to be completed.

May I understand
and experience
together with the sting
that bears illness,
to live in communion
with the Lord Jesus
and his sufferings,
he opens to my being,
the dimension
of loving intimacy
to experiment, the Life,
that from him radiates,
and plain health,
that doesn’t know dawn.
Mother of the ill,
you who were blessed
with the knowledge
of so great a mystery
of communion and hope,
help me understand,
and live this dimension
of suffering together
with the sweet Jesus,
Lord and God of life.