Pontifical Swiss Guard

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Pope Francis greets new Swiss Guards as they prepare to be sworn in on May 6, 2024, at the Vatican.

Pope highlights Swiss Guard’s jubilee year service to pilgrims

Jan 18, 2025

By AC Wimmer

As millions of pilgrims are expected for the jubilee year in Rome, Pope Francis praised the patient service of the... Read more

A new Swiss Guard swears to protect the pope, even sacrificing his life if necessary, during a ceremony on May 6, 2023.

6 things to know about the Swiss Guard and its swearing-in ceremony

May 6, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

A group of new Swiss Guard recruits officially joined the ranks after swearing to “faithfully, loyally and honorably serve the... Read more

Pope Francis with new Swiss Guard recruits in the Vatican’s Clementine Hall on May 6, 2022.

Pope Francis encourages new Swiss Guard recruits ‘to grow as Christians’

May 6, 2022

By CNA Staff

Thirty-six new recruits will be sworn in today. Read more

Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Vatican.

3 Swiss Guards resign over Vatican vaccine mandate

Oct 5, 2021

By Courtney Mares

All 135 guards were required to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Read more

The Swiss Guard swearing in ceremony at the Vatican on May 6, 2019.

Will the Swiss Guard allow women soldiers in the future?

Sep 16, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

Only men are currently eligible for the world’s smallest army. Read more

Fr. Kolumban Reichlin, O.S.B., the new chaplain of the Pontifical Swiss Guard.

Pope Francis appoints Benedictine priest as Swiss Guard chaplain

Sep 1, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

Fr. Kolumban Reichlin studied at Saint Meinrad Seminary in Indiana. Read more