Catholic Church in Switzerland

The Latest

Bishop Felix Gmür of Basel told Swiss newspaper “NZZ am Sonntag” on Sept 24, “It’s time to abolish mandatory celibacy.”

Swiss bishop calls for women’s ordination, end to celibacy ahead of synod

Sep 25, 2023

By AC Wimmer

“It’s time to abolish mandatory celibacy,” Bishop Felix Gmür of Basel told the Swiss newspaper NZZ am Sonntag on Sept... Read more


Swiss bishops’ study finds more than 1,000 cases of clergy sexual abuse

Sep 12, 2023

By AC Wimmer

The 136-page report documents 1,002 cases of abuse since the mid-20th century involving 510 accused and 921 victims. Read more

The Swiss bishops' call for adherence to Catholic "rules" followed an internet controversy over an August 2022 video of a laywoman who seemed to concelebrate Mass with priests.

Swiss bishop reprimands clergy after viral video of woman ‘concelebrating’ Mass

Sep 11, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

The laywoman stood at the altar in ordinary dress, with two priests beside her. She extended her arms and pronounced... Read more

The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Lungern, Switzerland

Vatican investigating Swiss bishops’ handling of sex abuse cases

Sep 11, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The primary purpose of the investigation is “the accusations of covering up cases of abuse,” the Swiss Bishops’ Conference announced. Read more

The bishops' call for adherence to Catholic "rules" follows an internet controversy over a August 2022 video of a laywoman who seemed to concelebrate Mass with priests.

Swiss bishops call for respect for ‘rules’ after woman appears to concelebrate Mass

Jan 12, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

The bishops’ intervention follows internet controversy over a video of a laywoman who seemed to concelebrate Mass with priests. Read more

Bishop Valerio Lazzeri speaking in a video message for Easter, April 2022

Swiss bishop resigns at age 59 due to ‘inner fatigue’

Oct 10, 2022

By AC Wimmer

“I tell you this with an open heart: I can no longer imagine being in the position I have tried... Read more