Archive for October 14, 2004


Bush and Kerry answer why Catholics should vote for them

In an exclusive interview with the Catholic Digest, presidential candidate Senator John Kerry and President George W. Bush each gave... Read more


Pope thanks Catholic radios for working to consolidate Europe's Christian identity

In an audience with members of the European Conference of Christian Radios (ECCR) today Pope John Paul II thanked the... Read more


Judge rules mountaintop cross can stay

A ruling by a federal court judge Oct. 12 stopped plans by the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association to remove a... Read more


Kerry misleads nation on Catholicism, says Catholic League

Catholic League president William Donohue said the remark Senator John Kerry made about abortion during the final debate of the... Read more


Buttiglione’s defense of Christian principles fuel an EU debate

British paper “The Guardian” published yesterday a collection of reactions to the effort of some congressmen of the European Union... Read more


Catholic pharmacist fights for conscience clause, right to refuse to provide abortion drugs

Calgary pharmacist Maria Bizecki, who had been fired for refusing to fill prescriptions for the morning-after pill, says Catholics must... Read more


Free copies of Catholic ‘voter’s guide’ made available

A Catholic organization has made their voter’s guide for Catholics available for free on its Web site. Read more


Congressman says Peruvian Health Minister lied about morning after pill

A Peruvian congressman has accused the country’s Health Minister, Pilar Mazzetti, of violating the Constitution by lying to the country... Read more