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Venezuelans celebrate beatification of Mother Candelaria de San Jose

Fifty thousand people were on hand at the Central University of Venezuelan’s baseball stadium for the beatification of Mother Candelaria de San Jose, the country’s second blessed.  The Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.

After Cardinal Jorge Urosa Sabino read the official document requesting the inscription of Mother Candelaria into the list of the blessed, Cardinal Saraiva proclaimed the formula for beatification, establishing her feast day as February 1.

During his homily, Cardinal Saraiva underscored that the work of Blessed Candelaria bore witness to the theology of consolation, because through her actions she conveyed joy to the sick, and therefore she was an instrument of God’s consolation.  “The love of God is intimately united with charity for one’s neighbor.  She bears witness that only love can change the lives of human beings.  She invites us to be concerned for the infirm, to alleviate the loneliness of the elderly and the poor.” 

“This beatification is very important because it is the first one to take place in our country and we hope there will be many more,” Cardinal Urosa said.  “What’s important is that we want to reaffirm our Christian living through the way of Jesus Christ, which is the only one to happiness.  She personifies the triumph of faith over unbelief, love over hatred, solidarity and mercy over egoism and indifference, peace over violence and war.”

Milagros del Valle Candelaria Bermúdez Meza, the 12 year-old girl whose miracle led to the beatification of the nun was present at the Mass with her mother, Rafaela Meza, as well as nuns from the Carmelite Sisters of the Third Regular Order, founded by Mother Candelaria.

Evelín González, superior of the congregation, said the ceremony represented a moment of renewal for Catholics because of the importance of the Church’s recognition of the virtues of this simple woman.  “We are happy to see her raised to the altar.  Another miracle that should be studied with care is needed for canonization.  There are experts who should confirm it,” she said.

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