The Maryland Catholic Conference warned that the proposed change could have “unintended consequences” on charitable giving in the state.
The latest iteration of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, dubbed the Drexel Route, was announced in mid-February, while the pilgrims’ biographies were posted this week.
The author, who remained bedridden for more than 30 years following an incident, claimed to have received visions and revelations from Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
According to the information provided by the Diocese of Kafanchan, Okechukwu was kidnapped from his residence at about 9:15 p.m. on March 4.
After deep cuts to federal programs and contracts, farmers across the country face uncertainty as they await reimbursement for conservation and sustainability projects.
An email from the White House Management Office informed staff that the Mass would take place in the Indian Treaty Room at 8:30 a.m.
The executive order rescinds federal funds for health care providers that perform surgeries or prescribe drugs to facilitate gender transitions for anyone under age 19.
Spain’s minister of equality, Ana Redondo, said such an inclusion would be “a good way to protect sexual and reproductive rights and, above all, the freedom of women.”
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis is currently investigating a possible Eucharistic miracle.
To help Catholics live this special liturgical time and deepen their knowledge of the faith, here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about fasting and abstinence.
José María Martínez, a teacher at Gaztelueta School (an Opus Dei institution located in Lejona, Spain) was notified of his second conviction on Monday, March 3.
Amid growing disaffiliation from the Church, Catholic leaders across the country are striving to better catechize young people by lowering confirmation age requirements.