Archive for August 14, 2005


Pope grants first interview, speaks on WYD, Christian joy, the crisis in Europe

In his first interview since being elected to the papacy, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the joy of being Christian... Read more


Pope calls for prayers for success of WYD

Presiding at the recitation of the Angelus this Sunday at Castel Gandolfo, Pope Benedict XVI called on the world to... Read more


San Francisco mayor, faithful, bid Archbishop Levada farewell

Nearly 2,300 well-wishers turned out Saturday night to bid farewell to San Francisco Archbishop William Levada as he heads to... Read more


24,000 U.S. youth among those flooding Germany for World Youth Day

This week, some 600 young people from Denver, Colorado will complete the overseas trek to join an estimated 800,000 youth... Read more


Catholic League president calls for constitutional restructuring of Supreme Court; end to ‘judicial tyranny’

William Donahue, president of the New York-based Catholic League for religious and civil liberties is calling for a restructuring of... Read more


Italian youth most represented in WYD registrations

Young people from all over the world have registered for World Youth Day (WYD) in Cologne, Germany, this week. The... Read more


Road to Cologne includes stops at famous pilgrimage sites

Thousands of young people from around the world are pouring into Cologne, Germany, today for the start of World Youth... Read more


Judicial power in Spain defends right to declare homosexual weddings unconstitutional

The General Council of the Judiciary in Spain has said it will ask the Ministry of Justice to force the... Read more


Argentine bishop: Social doctrine of the Church is not an ideology

The Apostolic Administrator of Resistencia, Argentina, Bishop Carmelo Giaquinta, said this week “the social doctrine of the Church is not... Read more