Archive for September 17, 2006


Pope’s trip to Turkey still on

According to parties on both sides, Pope Benedict XVI’s November trip to Turkey will continue as planned, despite violent reactions... Read more


Pope: the Cross is a symbol of the Love that overcomes hatred and violence

Following a statement regretting the violence that has erupted in reaction to his quotation of a 14th Century emperor last... Read more


Security beefed up at potential Catholic targets as threats of retaliation continue

Police across Italy have been ordered to raise security at potential Catholic targets, after Pope Benedict XVI angered Muslims last... Read more


Philadelphia priests listen to victims’ stories

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia took another step toward reconciliation with victims of sexual abuse last week, when three people recounted... Read more


US bishops support UN resolution for Darfur

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has urged President George W. Bush and congressional leaders to work with greater... Read more


US bishops join call urging Amnesty International to stay out of abortion debate

The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has warned Amnesty International that a proposal to abandon its... Read more


Argentinean daily publishes story on baby Martin, survivor of abortion

Amidst the controversy over two mentally disabled women who were permitted to undergo abortions in Mendoza and La Plata, an... Read more


Holy Father speaks for Muslims who reject violence, says Vatican expert

Commenting on Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks given at the University of Ratisbona, the rector of the Pontifical Institute for Arab... Read more


Costa Rican president says Christ is light that guides nation

The President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez, said last week it was time for Costa Ricans to “leave fear... Read more


Science, technology and ethics must all coalesce in stem cell research, says Pope

On Friday, Pope Benedict XVI met at Castel Gandolfo with representatives of the International Congress on stem cells and called... Read more