Archive for September 13, 2008

Archbishop Naumann / Bishop Finn?w=200&h=150

Catholic voters must ‘limit evil’ with their vote, Kansas City bishops say

The bishops of Kansas City have issued a joint pastoral letter on the voting responsibilities of Catholics, explaining the need... Read more

Sen. Barack Obama / Sen. John McCain?w=200&h=150

Presidential candidates address Catholic concerns in magazine interview

Senators John McCain and Barack Obama have addressed issues of both general interest and of special concern to Catholics in... Read more


The Word of God can transform you, Benedict XVI tells clergy

At 7.15 p.m. on Friday, at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Pope Benedict presided at the celebration of Vespers with... Read more


Benedict expresses his confidence in the youth and gives them a ‘treasure’

Shortly after concluding Vespers on Friday evening, Pope Benedict walked out of Notre Dame cathedral to be greeted by 10,000... Read more

The crowd gathered for the Mass at the Les Invalides complex?w=200&h=150

Pope: Shun the worship of modern idols and hope in the promises of Christ

Over 200,000 people gathered at the square surrounding the Les Invalides complex in Paris this morning for Mass with the... Read more