Archive for August 8, 2010


KC seminarians learn Spanish while working summer jobs

Joann Roa, director of the diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry, calls the idea “exciting.” Diocesan Vocations Director Father Richard Rocha... Read more

Saint Maximilian Kolbe?w=200&h=150

Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, martyr of Auschwitz, to be celebrated August 14

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish Franciscan priest, missionary and martyr, will soon be celebrated throughout the Church on his feast... Read more

Archbishop of Miami Thomas Wenski?w=200&h=150

Haiti at crossroads in recovery from earthquake, U.S. bishops’ delegation reports

A delegation sent by the U.S. Catholic bishops has returned from Haiti after observing relief efforts for the January earthquake.... Read more


Jesus' advent gives life-changing hope, Benedict XVI teaches

Before Sunday's Angelus prayer, Pope Benedict XVI taught the importance of leading our lives with trust and hope in the... Read more