Archive for January 30, 2011


By Lisa Maxson

Groups help teens stay connected, learn the faith

What would bring teenagers to church other than Sunday Mass? Read more


Report: Terrorists plot murder of Catholic Pakistani government minister

Terrorist groups in Pakistan are planning to assassinate Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s federal minister for religious minorities, because of his opposition... Read more


Catholics, Orthodox in Belarus celebrate Christian unity week

Catholic leaders in Belarus celebrated the annual week dedicated to Christian unity by gathering and breaking bread with local heads... Read more

St. Anskar?w=200&h=150

St. Anskar, apostle to Scandinavia, commemorated Feb. 3

Although Feb. 3 is more commonly celebrated on the liturgical calendar as the feast of St. Blase, it is also... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Pope Benedict: Jesus' Beatitudes free man from world's 'false values'

The Beatitudes offer a “new program of life” and demand a discipleship through which people today can open themselves up... Read more