Archive for January 19, 2012

Bishop James D. Conley of Denver?w=200&h=150

Catholics should take pro-life action, Bishop Conley urges

Catholics must share their pro-life convictions and be serious about helping those who are considering abortion, Bishop James D. Conley... Read more

Jeanne Monahan, director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Extreme abortion rate for disabled leads to DC conference

An upcoming conference in the nation’s capital will address the staggering 90 percent abortion rate of babies with disabilities, while... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI. ?w=200&h=150

Pope warns of 'grave threat' to religious freedom in US

Pope Benedict XVI warned today of a “grave threat” to religious liberty in the United States that requires American Catholics... Read more


Vatican official urges universities to present Christ-based vision of man

The prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Cardinal Antonio Canizares, recently recalled that... Read more


Bishop encourages children to become 'little missionaries'

Bishop Gerardo Melgar of Osma-Soria, Spain sent a letter to children reminding them that Jesus is counting on them to... Read more

Metropolitan Archbishop-elect William C. Skurla of Pittsburgh?w=200&h=150

Byzantine Catholics in Pittsburgh archeparchy receive new archbishop

Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Bishop William C. Skurla to be the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Byzantine Archeparchy of Pittsburgh. Read more

Fr. Tomasz Trafny?w=200&h=150

Pope Benedict creates new science and faith foundation

Pope Benedict XVI launched a new foundation at the Vatican aimed at building a “philosophical bridge” between science and theology.  Read more


By Kevin J. Jones

Church publishes catechism for Hebrew-speaking children

The first three books of a Hebrew-language Catholic catechism have now been published to help teach the children of Christians... Read more