Archive for January 31, 2012

Lighthouse Pregnancy Center fundraiser?w=200&h=150

Lighthouse Pregnancy Center offers 'true choice' to women in need

Lighthouse Pregnancy Center hosted a dinner and auction on Jan. 26 to help raise the funds needed to open its... Read more

Dr. Thomas Farr, director of the Religious Freedom Project at Georgetown University's Berkley Center.?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Obama administration's commitment to religious freedom questioned

Dr. Thomas Farr believes that the Obama administration’s verbal commitment to protecting religious freedom around the globe is not being... Read more


Abortion law reform must be more than 'cosmetic,' says Spanish bishop

Bishop Jose Ignacio Munilla of San Sebastian, Spain said he is hopeful that the reforms of the country’s abortion law... Read more


Mexican city will not charge for seating along papal route

The mayor of the Mexican city of Leon has announced that the city will not charge people for special seating... Read more

Bishop Francesco Moraglia?w=200&h=150

New Patriarch of Venice approaches job with trepidation and trust

Bishop Francesco Moraglia was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to the important post of Patriarch of Venice on Jan. 31.... Read more

Bishop William Lori testifies about religious liberty at a Oct. 26, 2011 U.S. House subcommittee hearing?w=200&h=150

Bishop Lori: Catholics faced with choice between Jesus' mandate or Obama's

The U.S. Catholic bishops’ chairman for religious liberty says the Obama administration’s contraception mandate tramples “the mandate of Jesus Christ”... Read more

Sen. Marco Rubio?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Sen. Rubio introduces bill to overturn contraception mandate

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has introduced a bill to repeal regulations issued by the Obama administration that many faith-based organizations... Read more

Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi of Mobile, Ala. speaks with CNA on Jan. 27, 2012?w=200&h=150

After energizing Vatican visit, Southern bishops ready to evangelize

The bishops of several southern U.S. states say they are returning home from their “ad limina” visit to Rome refreshed... Read more


Susan G. Komen pulls funding for Planned Parenthood

In the midst of a congressional investigation, Planned Parenthood has lost the support of the nation's leading breast cancer charity,... Read more