Archive for January 19, 2014

Denver March for Life on the steps of the Colorado State Capitol, Jan. 20, 2013. ?w=200&h=150

Rankings show pro-life 'momentum' in US state laws

Organizers of a recent report monitoring pro-life laws in states throughout the country said that the data shows a trend... Read more

"Reasonable Pleasures: The Strange Coherences of Catholicism" by Fr. James Schall. Courtesy of Ignatius Press. ?w=200&h=150

By Carl Bunderson

Pleasure is part of the moral life, priest's new book details

“Reasonable Pleasures,” the latest book from scholar Father James Schall, examines the “valuable but subordinate role” pleasure plays and how... Read more

Pope Francis delivering an Angelus address, March 17, 2013. ?w=200&h=150

Christians must be disciples of the Lamb of God, says Pope

In his Angelus address today, Pope Francis reflected on Christ as the “Lamb of God,” focusing on the need for... Read more