Archive for January 19, 2019

The flag of Colombia. ?w=200&h=150

Terror cannot be the seed of peace, Bogota cardinal says after car bomb

Cardinal Ruben Salazar Gomez of Bogota said that terror can never be the seed of justice and peace, following Thursday's... Read more


NY bishops lament bill to expand abortion in state

The bishops of New York decried Thursday the likely passage of the Reproductive Health Act, which would expand abortion access... Read more


By Kevin J. Jones

When a baby dies, faith and medicine aim for compassion

Grieving a miscarriage or stillbirth can be heart-wrenching. As awareness of that difficulty grows, medical professionals and clergy strive to... Read more

The statue of St. Peter holding the keys, outside St. Peter's Basilica. ?w=200&h=150

By Courtney Mares

Vatican transfers task of Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith

Pope Francis issued a motu proprio Saturday ending the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei and creating an office within the Congregation... Read more

Crowds at the 2019 March for Life, Washington, DC. ?w=200&h=150

By Jeanne Marie Hathway

'I survived my mom’s abortion appointment:' Voices from the March for Life

The March, held Friday, traced the annual route along the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was the Dillers’ second... Read more