Archive for October 17, 2022

An image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at St. Peter's Church, Vienna, Austria.?w=200&h=150

By Katie Yoder

8 things Vatican II says about the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nearly 60 years ago, Vatican II recognized several titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But it focused on one in... Read more

Pope Francis speaking to Cistercians at the Vatican, Oct. 17, 2022.?w=200&h=150

By AC Wimmer

Pope Francis tells Cistercians: ‘The main thing is not to let the evil one steal our hope!’

Pope Francis told Cistercians on Monday to embrace “the greater poverty of spirit and goods in order to be more... Read more

Pope Francis speaking to Spanish entrepreneurs at the Vatican, Oct. 17, 2022.?w=200&h=150

By AC Wimmer

Pope Francis calls on entrepreneurs to be ‘prophets’

Pope Francis has called on entrepreneurs to be “prophets” and transform the economy to ethical principles. Read more

Father Giuseppe Bernardi and Father Mario Ghibaudo?w=200&h=150

By Courtney Mares

They died praying for others: Two Catholic priests martyred by Nazis beatified in Italy

Two Catholic priests killed by Nazis while ministering to the dying amid the Boves massacre were beatified as martyrs on... Read more

Luis Argüello, archbishop of Valladolid and general secretary of the Spanish Episcopal Conference?w=200&h=150

By CNA Staff

Spanish archbishop objects to labeling pro-lifers as ‘ultra-Catholics’ or ‘extreme right’

“There are only ad hominem arguments left for those who know they’re going against science, ethics, integral ecology, and the... Read more

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega?w=200&h=150

By Eduardo Berdejo

Another Catholic priest has been ‘kidnapped’ by Nicaragua’s government, says exiled churchman

According to a prominent human rights group, Father Enrique Martínez Gamboa is the 11th Catholic priest to be arrested and... Read more

The painting St. Luke the Evangelist in church Iglesia El Buen Pastor by Miguel Vaguer (1959).?w=200&h=150

By Jonah McKeown

Why is St. Luke the patron saint of butchers? Here’s a clue

Each of the four Gospel writers — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — has a special image associated with him.... Read more


By Joe Bukuras

Mark Houck: My family’s photo is on Mother Teresa’s tomb

The Catholic pro-life father of seven who was arrested last month after a controversial FBI raid at his home, says... Read more