Jason Shanks

Jason Shanks

Jason Shanks is the Cabinet Secretary of Evangelization and Parish Life for the Diocese of Toledo, which oversees the Office of Marriage and Family Life. He has been married for eight years to his wife, Melissa, and is the proud father of three. You can email him at jshanks@toledodiocese.org.

Articles by Jason Shanks

A ‘special needs’ daughter teaches her dad

Jul 23, 2012 / 00:00 am

I never thought I would have to teach my daughter how to walk. Sure, I thought about being ready to catch her when she tried her first uncertain steps, but not about showing her how to bend a knee, gain balance, straighten her feet and properly fall. I had visions of showing my daughter how to ride a bike, shoot a basket, and tie her shoes, but never how to move her legs.