A conference held last week in Colorado Springs by The Society for Catholic Liturgy brought together experts from multiple disciplines to discuss the continuity between the Jewish temple, and Catholic churches and liturgy.
Evangelization will be carried out by bringing beauty to Catholic culture and liturgy, Bishop James Conley of Lincoln told a group of scholars and pastors gathered for an interdisciplinary conference.
Pope Francis discussed his recent trip to South Korea in his General Audience address Wednesday, saying its significance is found in the three words memory, hope, and witness.
The newly appointed Bishop of My Tho, Peter Nguyen Van Kham, has voiced enthusiasm for evangelizing and forming the faithful in his diocese for lively participation in the life of the Church.
At Sunday's Angelus address at the Vatican, Pope Francis called on those receiving his message to care first for the poor, before concerning themselves with their own wants and needs.
In a recent interview with CNA, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore reaffirmed religious liberty as a priority for the U.S. bishops, emphasizing its relation to personal dignity and evangelization.
Archbishop of Oklahoma City Paul Coakley called a black mass scheduled to take place in the city's civic center an “obviously horrendous” act meant to offend much of the state's community.
At his Angelus address Sunday, Pope Francis noted that Christ's invitation, “come unto me, all you who are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest,” is given to each and every person, through all time.
At a visit Saturday with the imprisoned in the Italian city of Isernia, Pope Francis stated the need of every human person for rehabilitation, and conversion to God.
The bishop of a northern Nigerian diocese said at a conference last week that among the factors which has led to violence by a radial Islamist group there is the government's corruption and lack of administration.
The president of the U.S. bishops' conference said that this autumn's synod on the family will reflect the cares and concerns of the Church from around the world, not merely in the U.S. and Europe.
The recent funeral Mass said for Wojciech Jaruzelski, who was a Polish military commander and communist politician during the Cold War, has been received as an occasion for rejoicing.
Catholic Relief Services' chairman has affirmed the international aid agency's strength and effective representation of the bishops' conference, especially lauding its aid to the Philippines.
A consultation regarding the upcoming synod on the family highlights the need for a better teaching of the faith, the president of the U.S. bishops' conference said.
The call of Benedict XVI and Pope Francis to connect the issues of poverty and the new evangelization has come not a moment too soon, George Mason law professor Helen Alvare told the U.S. bishops June 12.
The president of the Pontifical Council for the Family urged the U.S. bishops to help share the message that the 2015 World Meeting of Families is intended to show that man is made for love.
A leading bishop in the U.K. says that the modern, troubling view of humanity which stems from relativism is best countered by Christians living the Church's full vision of the human person
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati says criticism of its updated school contracts for teachers amounts to hype from third parties, noting that teachers themselves have been largely pleased and receptive.
Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, has emphasized that the next synod will not be focused exclusively on the much-talked about issue of Communion for the divorced and remarried.
Catholics across the U.S. and around the world are gathering to hold Eucharistic Adoration and Masses in reparation for the re-enactment of a satanic black mass being hosted Monday evening by a Harvard University student group.