Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri.

Articles by Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis to visit graves of two 20th century Italian priests

Apr 24, 2017 / 10:28 am

Pope Francis will make a pilgrimage June 20 to visit the graves of two 20th century Italian priests in the towns of Bozzolo and Bariana, the Vatican announced Monday.

India bishops slam 'brutal' disruption of Good Friday service

Apr 21, 2017 / 09:22 am

India's Catholic bishops have strongly condemned a violent police disruption of a Good Friday service at a small parish in the south of the country.

Ukrainian Catholic eparchy of Chicago receives new bishop

Apr 20, 2017 / 10:24 am

Pope Francis on April 20 appointed Bishop Venedykt (Valery) Aleksiychuk as Bishop of the Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Eparchy of Chicago.

Vatican cricket club takes interreligious tournament to Fatima

Apr 19, 2017 / 09:45 am

St. Peter’s Cricket Club, the Vatican’s cricket team, is traveling to Fatima April 19-22 for an interreligious tournament ahead of the 100th anniversary of the appearance of Our Lady to three shepherd children in the country.

Pope: Easter is about the gift of Christianity – not us

Apr 19, 2017 / 05:05 am

As the Church jumps into the Easter season, Pope Francis on Wednesday offered a reflection on Christ’s Resurrection and the start of Christianity, saying it’s not about us and what we do, but what the Lord has done for us.

The Catholic Church still cares about Latin

Apr 19, 2017 / 05:01 am

Existing in some form since several hundred years before Christ, the Latin language seems like an unlikely subject to still be generating brand new research, especially among young scholars.

Pro-Francis posters go up in Rome, striking a different chord

Apr 18, 2017 / 06:58 am

Just two months after Pope Francis faced intense backlash for his reforms when critical posters were plastered around Rome, a new set went up around the city over Easter, this time praising the Pope for his commitment to mercy and inclusion.

Be men and women of life, Pope Francis says Easter Monday

Apr 17, 2017 / 04:30 am

On Easter Monday, Pope Francis stressed that Christ’s resurrection calls each of us to bring the message of Easter – a message of hope and life – to the world.

Pope on Easter: The Resurrection is more than a party – it’s the source of eternal life

Apr 16, 2017 / 04:17 am

Pope Francis reminded Christians on Easter Sunday that the Resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith – and that even in the face of unexplainable tragedy and suffering in the world, we can declare, “Christ is risen!”

Pope Francis reflects on sin, Christ's mercy at Stations of the Cross

Apr 14, 2017 / 15:53 pm

Pope Francis presided over the Stations of the Cross at Rome’s Colosseum on Good Friday, asking Christ’s forgiveness for the ways we may have fallen short, and imploring the grace to do better in the future.

Good Friday papal preacher: In a changing world, the cross remains the same

Apr 14, 2017 / 09:57 am

Even as sinful people in a society filled with violence and increasing secularism, we have hope because Christ's cross perdures, the papal preacher said at the Vatican's Good Friday Service.

Pope Francis: we find hope in embracing our crosses with love

Apr 12, 2017 / 06:21 am

As the Church this week reflects on Jesus’ crucifixion and death, Pope Francis said that it is the cross that gives us hope, and urged faithful to enter into the mystery of Christ’s death by contemplating the joy that comes from sacrifice.

Bible scholar gives inside look at Vatican's Stations of the Cross

Apr 11, 2017 / 14:33 pm

Pope Francis chose French biblical scholar, Anne-Marie Pelletier, to write the meditations for this year's annual Good Friday Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum.

Despite deadly attacks, Pope Francis will still go to Egypt

Apr 10, 2017 / 08:50 am

The Vatican confirmed Monday that Pope Francis' trip to Egypt at the end of the month will go on as planned, despite terrorist attacks which killed more than 43 people during Palm Sunday celebrations in the country.

'Pope Francis laundry' service opens for homeless in Rome

Apr 10, 2017 / 03:46 am

On Monday the latest Pope Francis-inspired initiative for the poor opened up in Rome – a new laundromat, with washing, drying and ironing services for those without a home or a fixed living situation.

Bishops seek input from youth ahead of 2018 synod

Apr 8, 2017 / 15:09 pm

An international conference this week in Rome is seeking feedback from young people on the upcoming 2018 Synod of Bishops, as preparations are also underway for the 2019 World Youth Day in Panama.

Pope Francis: Stop using the word 'illegal' as a synonym for 'immigrant'

Apr 7, 2017 / 04:56 am

Pope Francis said Friday that when it comes to solving the immigration crisis, the media need to stop perpetuating negative stereotypes and start explaining the big picture, shedding light on the causes behind migration.

Catholic Church grows as Americas, Europe trail in priestly vocations

Apr 6, 2017 / 10:20 am

According to Vatican statistics released Thursday, the Church in the Americas lags behind globally when it comes to the number of seminarians per number of Catholics.

Priest who met three saints named auxiliary bishop of Seattle

Apr 6, 2017 / 06:48 am

On Thursday, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis has chosen Msgr. Daniel H. Mueggenborg, a priest of the Diocese of Tulsa, to be an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Seattle.

Pope Francis challenges young people in April prayer video

Apr 5, 2017 / 12:51 pm

Young people are the subject of Pope Francis’ universal prayer intention for April, and in his prayer video presenting the petition, the pontiff challenges them to “be the protagonists of change.”