Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri.

Articles by Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis prays for Aleppo, victims of recent terrorist attacks

Dec 11, 2016 / 07:08 am

During the Angelus for the third Sunday of Advent, also called Gaudete Sunday, Pope Francis made a special appeal for prayers for the people of Aleppo and Syria, and for all those affected by the recent terrorist attacks which have taken place in places such as Turkey and Egypt.

Pope to seminarians: Don't let self-interest get in the way of ministry

Dec 10, 2016 / 11:31 am

On Saturday Pope Francis spoke to seminarians about the three-fold ministry of the priest: welcoming and including all, forming good relationships with God and others, and avoiding the pitfall of narcissism.

As Vatican lights Christmas tree, Pope reflects on Nativity scene

Dec 9, 2016 / 11:21 am

As Christmas approaches, the Nativity scenes found in churches and homes around the world bid us to make room for Jesus both in our lives and in society, Pope Francis said shortly before the lighting of the Christmas tree in St. Peter’s Square Friday.

Pope Francis: Through beauty, artists make the world better

Dec 7, 2016 / 14:36 pm

Beauty, under the care of artists, has the ability to transform even the everyday lives of men and women, Pope Francis said in a message for the annual meeting of the Pontifical Academies on Tuesday.

Women at the Vatican form association for solidarity

Dec 7, 2016 / 14:06 pm

A new association for women working in the Vatican announced Wednesday provides a personal and professional network for women to offer support to each other and to the community.

Vatican calls for trust, responsibility on nuclear technology

Dec 6, 2016 / 12:26 pm

In order to realize the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons the discourse of the international community surrounding nuclear security must be based on an ethic of trust, responsibility, and cooperation – not fear and suspicion, Vatican official Msgr. Antoine Camilleri said Tuesday.

Vatican's anti-abuse commission launches new website

Dec 6, 2016 / 06:16 am

The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors launched a new website Tuesday, which is designed to help inform the public about their work, and includes resources for Church leaders on safeguarding children and caring for survivors.

Pope Francis: Don't whitewash your sins – let God heal you

Dec 5, 2016 / 10:22 am

As Christmas approaches, don't downplay your sins, Pope Francis said. Instead, name them honestly in the Sacrament of Confession, open your heart, and ask the Lord to heal you from within.

Two parish priests chosen as next auxiliary bishops of Baltimore

Dec 5, 2016 / 07:00 am

Upon accepting the resignation of Bishop Denis Madden, Pope Francis has appointed two priests to be the next auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the Vatican announced Monday.

In new interview, Pope reflects on close of Jubilee

Nov 18, 2016 / 06:08 am

In a lengthy new interview, Pope Francis opened up about his thoughts on the Jubilee of Mercy as well as progress made in the field of ecumenism, both of which he said have roots in the Second Vatican Council.

There is no justification for killing innocent people, Pope says

Nov 17, 2016 / 08:37 am

In a meeting with the Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East Thursday, Pope Francis criticized ongoing violence in Iraq and Syria, saying no motive can justify or allow the killing of innocent people, especially children.

At next world's fair, Vatican to promote 'energy for the common good'

Nov 16, 2016 / 11:10 am

Ahead of the next international exposition, to be held in Kazakhstan during the summer  of 2017, the Vatican  announced Wednesday its participation under the theme “Energy for the Common Good: Caring for our Common Home.”

Pope reminds Catholics to practice what they preach

Nov 16, 2016 / 04:21 am

The spiritual works of mercy – especially teaching the faith and putting up with the annoyances of others – are very important, Pope Francis said Wednesday, but first we must examine our own conscience to see if we are practicing the things we preach.

Vatican goes green, amps up recycling efforts

Nov 15, 2016 / 11:33 am

A year after Pope Francis released his encyclical on the environment, Laudato si', the Vatican has stepped up its efforts in the recycling game by creating a new central waste collection point within Vatican City.

Homeless persons find a spiritual father in Pope Francis

Nov 14, 2016 / 12:06 pm

Always close to his heart, around 3,600 homeless men and women were given the chance to be also physically near the Pope this weekend – and near the heart of the Church – as they participated in the Jubilee of Mercy.

As Year of Mercy ends, Holy Doors close around the world

Nov 13, 2016 / 13:09 pm

As Holy Doors close in churches and basilicas around the world, including in Rome, it is estimated that over 20 million people participated in the Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy at the Vatican – and a billion people may have participated in churches worldwide.

What's most important? God and our neighbor, Pope says

Nov 13, 2016 / 09:19 am

The reality that everything in this world is passing shouldn’t frighten us, Pope Francis said, but instead it should strengthen us to place our trust completely in Christ, recognizing that what is truly important endures: the Lord and our neighbor.

Pope Francis appoints new bishop of Hong Kong

Nov 13, 2016 / 05:17 am

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung Coadjutor Bishop of the diocese of Hong Kong, the Vatican announced Sunday.

Pope Francis: the Church's mercy is for everyone

Nov 12, 2016 / 09:01 am

Pope Francis spoke to pilgrims about how the mercy of God is for everyone, and how through the Church, we are all called to embrace and include everyone in the Body of Christ.

Pope tells homeless greater solidarity is found in poverty than wealth

Nov 11, 2016 / 10:29 am

After hearing testimonies from two homeless men Friday, Pope Francis spoke off-the-cuff about the dignity and solidarity that can be found in poverty, but which is often lacking in situations of wealth.