Joseph Miller, Esq.

Joseph Miller, Esq.

Joseph Miller is an attorney in Fairbanks.  He is a former U.S. Magistrate Judge, state judicial officer, and decorated Gulf War Veteran (B.S., United States Military Academy; J.D., Yale Law School; M.S., Resource Economics, University of Alaska).

Articles by Joseph Miller, Esq.

Op-ed from lead attorney in Alaska Troopergate Lawsuit

Sep 22, 2008 / 00:00 am

By now, most of the country has heard about "Troopergate" and Governor Palin's related conflict with several powerful members of the Alaska legislature.   This conflict arises, in part, out of a legislative investigation into media allegations that Governor Palin removed the state's Commissioner of Public Safety because he refused to fire her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper.  As the lead attorney for one of two Troopergate lawsuits filed in Alaska last week, I am convinced that this legislative investigation is blatantly unlawful.

An insider’s view: Palin is the Real Deal

Sep 11, 2008 / 00:00 am

This past week, the nation had its first opportunity to really size-up the hockey mom from Wasilla.  Does she have what it takes to be vice-president?  And how about those claims that she’s a reformer, fighting against entrenched corruption in Alaska?  As a former federal judge in Alaska and a lawyer involved in litigation with Alaska’s oil companies, I’ve got a pretty good perspective on this.