Agatha was ruthlessly tortured and martyred under the Roman Emperor Decius in the third century and credited after her death with saving her home town of Catania.
History notes how much the Freemasons hated St. John Bosco — whose feast the Church celebrates Jan. 31 — but less is known about their attempts to kill him.
On Jan. 24, the Church celebrates the patron saint of journalists, writers, and the Catholic press: St. Francis de Sales, doctor of the Church.
The pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network has released the Holy Father’s list of prayer intentions for the year 2025.
The Peruvian Episcopal Conference announced that on Sept. 25 Pope Francis ordered the Sodality of Christian Life to expel 10 of its members.
Every Aug. 22 the International Day of Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is commemorated.
The cardinals poined out that there are indications that the Maduro government may be “fabricating” election tallies to supposedly prove Maduro won.
The Blessed Mother is said to have given the scapular to St. Simon Stock on July 16, 1251.
Today the Catholic Church honors St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y Albás (1902–1975), Spanish priest, founder of Opus Dei, and author of “The Way.”
Many saints have encouraged Catholics to prayerfully participate in the holy sacrifice of the Mass and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
May will always be a special month, the month that the Church dedicates to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God and our spiritual mother.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a pious practice revealed to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska by Jesus himself that has spread throughout the world.
In many countries in Europe and South America, this day, also known as “Little Easter,” is a national holiday.
A Spanish association has garnered more than 130,000 signatures on a petition calling for the Madrid government to protect the Valley of the Fallen.
The private Catholic chapel where two Spanish men celebrated their civil “marriage” last weekend is subject to “canonical effects” and deconsecration.
This doctor of the Church was simple, firm, and honest in the face of error.
On Feb. 20, the Church celebrates the lives of two children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, two of the seers of the Fatima apparitions canonized in 2017.
Consider these tried-and-true ways of entering into Lent this year.
On the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, we honor the Sudanese-Italian saint Josephine Bakhita.
He convened Vatican Council I, proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, and declared St. Joseph “Patron of the Church.”