Eduardo Berdejo

Eduardo Berdejo

Eduardo Berdejo has a Journalism degree from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru). He has been a member of the ACI Prensa team since 2001. He has covered Pope Francis' visits to Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. He also holds a diploma in Comparative Literature from the University of Piura (Peru) and has completed the Comprehensive Course on Style Correction at the Lima Publishing School (Peru).

Articles by Eduardo Berdejo

Thousands of Colombians protest government’s embrace of gender ideology

Oct 21, 2024 / 17:30 pm

Thousands of Colombians took to the streets over the weekend to demand the repeal of a government health policy that sanctions sex changes for minors.

Mexican priest shot dead after celebrating Mass

Oct 21, 2024 / 17:00 pm

Father Marcelo Pérez of the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas in Mexicao was shot dead after he had finished celebrating Mass.

Colombian bishop issues call to seek out Catholics estranged from the Church

Oct 18, 2024 / 07:00 am

Going out to find and recover Catholics not living according to their baptism is one of the great challenges of pastoral work, Bishop José Libardo Garcés said.

March called in Colombia to protest government for pushing sex changes for minors

Oct 12, 2024 / 07:00 am

A nationwide march has been called for Oct. 19 in Colombia to protest the government’s support of sex changes for children.

War in southern Lebanon puts thousands of Christians in constant danger, nun says

Oct 3, 2024 / 17:15 pm

Some 9,000 Christians in three villages in southern Lebanon are in constant danger because of the Israel-Hezbollah war, warned Sister Maya El Beaino.

Who is Rolando Álvarez, the bishop persecuted by the Nicaraguan dictatorship?

Oct 3, 2024 / 06:00 am

Bishop Rolando Álvarez Lagos is once again in the news after Pope Francis appointed him to participate in the second session of the Synod on Synodality.

Pew survey in U.S. and Latin America gauges views on Church teachings, popularity of Pope Francis 

Sep 26, 2024 / 10:10 am

The Pew Research Center has released the results of a survey of how Catholics in the U.S. and six Latin American countries think the Church should handle issues.

Priority of Mass for priests driven home at International Eucharistic Congress

Sep 12, 2024 / 13:35 pm

The Eucharist must be the heart of the priest’s life. This truth was driven home by the Archbishop of Santo Domingo at the International Eucharistic Congress.

Hosts for International Eucharistic Congress made in home of Ecuador’s first saint

Sep 11, 2024 / 12:05 pm

Some 65,000 hosts for the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress could not have come from a better place: the home of Ecuador’s first saint, Mariana of Jesus.

Prior to Quito 2024, there have been 4 International Eucharistic Congresses in Latin America

Sep 4, 2024 / 15:46 pm

The Catholic Church in Latin America is once again preparing to host an International Eucharistic Congress, the fifth the region has hosted since 1934.

Vatican expels Sodality of Christian Life founder

Aug 14, 2024 / 18:30 pm

Luis Fernando Figari Rodrigo, founder of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae and accused of committing sexual abuse, has been expelled from the organization.

Cardinal Rueda: With trust placed in Jesus, you can face the most adverse situations

Jul 4, 2024 / 09:00 am

The Christian who places his trust in the cross and resurrection of Christ can face the most adverse situations, Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio said.

Bishops speak out against worsening violence in southwest Colombia

Jun 18, 2024 / 17:50 pm

The prelates issued a statement on June 14 calling on authorities to “find the solutions” to bring peace to the country.

Colombian bishop warns that deterioration of society is rooted in weakening of the family

Jun 16, 2024 / 09:30 am

In the latest editorial of the diocesan newspaper La Verdad, bishop of Cúcuta in Colombia, José Libardo Garcés invited Christians to reflect on the family.

Cuba’s government shuts down priest’s peaceful protest

May 22, 2024 / 15:45 pm

Father Alberto Reyes held a peaceful protest over the situation in the country by ringing the bells of his parish as a sign of mourning each night there was no electricity.

Colombians march simultaneously in multiple cities to demand end to abortion

May 6, 2024 / 15:45 pm

Under the theme “Colombia, With Life There Is Hope,” tens of thousands of Colombians took to the streets May 4 in more than 110 cities and towns throughout the country.

Colombian bishops call for day of prayer for peace, reconciliation in violence-torn country

May 2, 2024 / 06:00 am

The Colombian Bishops’ Conference has called on all Catholics to join the Day of the Holy Cross on May 3 in a prayer for peace and reconciliation in that country.

Catholic Church in Cuba offers to facilitate dialogue between government and opposition

Apr 20, 2024 / 10:30 am

In an interview with NBC News, the priest referred to protests that once again shook the country, this time in March on the eastern end of the island.

Bishop-elect dies within days of his episcopal consecration 

Apr 11, 2024 / 14:05 pm

The Diocese of Dunkeld, Scotland, announced that Father Martin Chambers passed away at the age of 59 just weeks before being consecrated bishop.

‘Out of Christian charity,’ priests bury migrants who died in Darien jungle

Apr 5, 2024 / 17:00 pm

The inhospitable Darién jungle has for years become an unavoidable route for hundreds of thousands of migrants who want to reach the United States.