Jennifer Fulwiler

Jennifer Fulwiler

Jennifer Fulwiler is the author of, where she writes about her experiences with Catholicism after a life of atheism.

Articles by Jennifer Fulwiler

Eight Responses to the Pro-Choice Mindset

Jan 8, 2009 / 00:00 am

I once said that I'd die to keep abortion legal and easily accessible, and I meant it. I was vehemently pro-choice, as were most of the women in my social circles. We believed abortion was a critical right for women and could not imagine how anyone could be pro-life. We were products of a culture in which human sexuality had been severed from its inherent connection to the creation of human life. Our generation had been taught in our public school sex-ed classes not that sex creates babies, but that unprotected sex creates babies. We were assured that the creation of new human life was tangential to sexual activity, something that was not only optional but completely controllable. In fact, babies were considered downright antithetical to sex.