“A crackdown is a terrible way to administer affairs and much less to administer justice,” Czech-born Canadian Jesuit Cardinal Michael Czerny said.
Pope Francis, reflecting on the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, says it serves as a reminder that Jesus is salvation for all peoples and our light.
The World Day for Consecrated Life, celebrated annually on Feb. 2, takes on special significance this year as the Church looks to a Jubilee of Consecrated Life.
In a virtual meeting, Pope Francis urged young Ukrainians to maintain hope and continue dialogue despite the ravages of war.
The exhibition features approximately 1,200 newspapers from remote regions and artistic works inspired by pioneering travelers,
Pope Francis emphasized Mary Magdalene’s transformative encounter with the risen Christ as a model for personal conversion.
The controversy has highlighted divisions within German Catholicism regarding migration policy.
According to one German theologian, the Catholic saint and doctor of the Church can contribute to contemporary discussions about AI’s risks and role in society.
Pope Francis also addressed all those “who are ill or who care for the suffering,” telling them: “Your journey together is a sign for everyone.”
Speaking at the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis marked the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and made urgent appeals for peace in Sudan and Colombia.
“The Word of God is alive: Through the centuries it walks with us and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, it is at work in history,” Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis emphasized that hope is “always possible” in Jesus Christ during an ecumenical vespers service marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The written remarks also warned against what the pope termed “brain rot” caused by constant social media scrolling, calling for greater media literacy.
The 635-page report examined cases from 1964 to 2023 in the northern Italian region of Alto Adige-Südtirol and identified 41 clergy members as alleged perpetrators.
Pope Francis invoked “an abundance of divine blessings” upon Donald Trump, his family, and “the beloved American people.”
“If this is true it is a disgrace because it makes the poor unfortunate who have nothing pay the price of imbalance. This is not how things are solved,” the pope said on Italian TV.
As millions of pilgrims are expected for the jubilee year in Rome, Pope Francis praised the patient service of the Swiss Guard and support for their families.
French bishops request criminal investigation into abuse allegations against Emmaus founder Abbé Pierre following nine new testimonies against the late priest.
The appointment, confirmed by Major Archbishop Mar Raphael Thattil on Jan. 11, follows the First Session of the XXXIII Synod of Bishops Jan. 6–11.
Founded on principles of solidarity and subsidiarity, Fondazione Roma is a cornerstone of Italy’s philanthropic landscape.