Ana Paula Morales

Ana Paula Morales

Ana Paula Morales has master's degrees in neuromarketing, applied integral communication and theology. She has been writing for ACI Prensa in Mexico since 2022.

Articles by Ana Paula Morales

Myanmar conflict: a state of unprecedented turmoil and suffering, Cardinal Bo says

May 24, 2024 / 17:18 pm

Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, archbishop of Yangon in Myanmar, says there is an “unprecedented state of turmoil and suffering, which seems to have no end.”

Haiti in danger of ‘a real genocide,’ priest warns

May 9, 2024 / 18:25 pm

“The people [of Haiti] who are crying out for help today need men and women of goodwill from all countries to come to their aid to help us,” the priest said.

Bishop from area plagued by violence in Mexico prays for peace at Guadalupe shrine

Nov 10, 2023 / 19:00 pm

Bishop Cristóbal Ascencio García of Apatzingán located in the Mexican state of Michoacán, led the annual diocesan pilgrimage to the Guadalupe basilica Nov. 8.

Cardinal denounces enslavement, violence against African migrants en route to Europe

Oct 12, 2023 / 18:30 pm

Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero said: “We are talking about robberies, violence, rape, and being sold as slaves.”

In face of war and natural disasters, Church in Syria seeks to maintain people’s faith

Oct 12, 2023 / 18:00 pm

Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo Denys Antoine Chahda said the Church is working to “motivate [the people] not to leave the country.”

Mexican bishop criticizes President López Obrador for being soft on crime

Oct 5, 2023 / 18:30 pm

Bishop Víctor Alejandro Aguilar called President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policy against organized crime “hugs for drug traffickers and bullets for the poor.”

Tim Ballard, real hero of ‘Sound of Freedom’: I’ve spent more than 20 years in this fight

Sep 3, 2023 / 07:00 am

“This is the most powerful tool that I have seen in my life in the fight against child trafficking,” said Tim Ballard of the movie based on his work.

Church in Mexico announces plan to accompany mothers of disappeared persons

Aug 2, 2023 / 07:30 am

In Latin America to say someone “was disappeared” means that the person was abducted and may or may not be alive.

Mexican bishops submit ‘Indigenous liturgical adaptations’ to the Vatican for approval

Jul 27, 2023 / 08:30 am

The liturgical adaptations approved by the CEM include incensing, a “senior layperson” role, and ritual dance.

Cardinal Sarah: No synod can invent a ‘female priesthood’

Jul 5, 2023 / 16:10 pm

Sarah, prefect emeritus of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, spoke July 3 at a conference on the priesthood in Mexico City.

Church in Honduras calls on government to consider changing strategy amid wave of violence

Jul 1, 2023 / 09:00 am

The bishops also lamented that the violence in the country has been going on for years.

Cardinal Sarah offers five ways to deal with ‘crisis of faith’ in the world

Jul 1, 2023 / 07:00 am

“Today there is so much confusion, so much ambiguity and uncertainty in doctrinal and moral teaching,” the cardinal noted.

Mexican bishops demand respect for religious freedom, secular state in Nativity scene case

Jun 28, 2023 / 15:00 pm

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in Mexico will debate a case this week about prohibiting Nativity scenes on public property.

Church demands answers after at least 48 die in gang fight in Honduran women’s prison

Jun 26, 2023 / 16:00 pm

According to local authorities, on June 20 there was a confrontation between rival gangs inside the prison that unleashed a fire, shootings, and stabbings.

Religious persecution takes its toll on Catholic faith in Mexico

Jun 3, 2023 / 08:00 am

Recent episodes of violence against the Catholic Church once again bring to the fore the persecution of the faith in Mexico and the power of organized crime.

Unsolved murder of Cardinal Posadas is ‘an open wound,’ Mexican bishops say

May 26, 2023 / 12:15 pm

On the 30th anniversary of the murder of Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo, Mexican bishops’ recalled the “open wound” left by the unsolved crime.

Bishops of Mexico: Lack of democracy results in the violation of human rights

May 21, 2023 / 06:00 am

The bishops of Mexico called on all Mexicans to join this Sunday, May 21, in a day of prayer for the strengthening of democracy.

Blaze set at iconic Mexican church; Eucharist stolen from another

May 16, 2023 / 16:30 pm

The Church of Santiaguito, whose origins date back to the 17th century, is one of the “most emblematic and iconic” in the region, the diocese said.

Mexican bishop expresses Church’s concern for unaccompanied child migrants

May 5, 2023 / 16:00 pm

Auxiliary Bishop Francisco Javier Acero said those who suffer the most are “unaccompanied minors.”

Venezuelan migrant thanks God, recounts journey through dangerous jungle to U.S.

Apr 29, 2023 / 10:00 am

Daisy Sandoval is a 25-year-old single mother who left Venezuela in February in search of the “American dream.”