One priest says that being designated the site of the next WYD is an opportunity “to spread faith in Christ” and confirm Asian Catholics in their faith.
In the letter, Pablo María de la Cruz expressed to the pope his desire to have participated in WYD in person, but pledged his prayers and support.
Among the motivations for attending the international meeting with the pope is “encountering Jesus Christ” followed by “living new experiences.”
Bishop Demetrio Fernández of Córdoba, Spain, reflected on the upcoming World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, in his recent weekly letter.
The Diocese of Mallorca in Spain has sentenced one priest to three years of not celebrating Mass other than in his home and to a life of prayer and penance.
Attorney José Antonio Díez disagrees with the ruling of the Constitutional Court (TC) of Spain justices and questions “their impartiality.”
This pilgrimage will also serve as a fundraiser to restore the chapel of the old Mental Institute of the Holy Cross and to build a new parish center.
Fortunately, the priest was able to determine that the tabernacle was untouched.
The office’s security gate was covered with messages such as “abortion on demand,” “fascists should be hanged,” and “transfeminist revenge.”
Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante in Spain said that “the LGBT ideology has feet of clay.”
The event was announced with the rainbow-colored theme “The Church is already diverse. Open your eyes and your heart!”
After his appointment as archbishop of Madrid became official, José Cobo said he sees a need to “reposition the Church” in a changing society.
The Jesuit delegate in Catalonia has announced that the congregation has taken action in relation to the alleged cases of sexual abuse perpetrated in schools.
The report does not include situations involving the abuse of conscience and power or committed against adults.
The Spanish Bishops’ Conference criticized the May 9 ruling by the country’s constitutional court that upheld abortion as a right.
The complaint alleges the so-called Collective of Southern Artists (CAS) committed the crime of derision of the Christian faith.
The report gives an account of the commitments made regarding victims of abuse by the congregation and the creation of safe spaces.
An exhibition of the first hyper-realistic recreation of the body of Christ based on data obtained from the Shroud of Turin is at Granada’s cathedral this Holy Week.
As Holy Week processions began in Spain, three wooden carvings of the Virgin Mary were damaged by fire in three separate incidents.
Cardinal Juan José Omella said that these situations cause “great harm, not only to the Church but [also] to society.”