John Mallon

John Mallon

John Mallon is a contributing editor to Inside the Vatican magazine, and a veteran Catholic journalist and commentator. His personal website is

Articles by John Mallon

The Murder of George Tiller

Jun 1, 2009 / 00:00 am

Every mature, seasoned pro-lifer knows that our opponents will grasp at any straw to bring accusation against us. I believe this is because of a deep down disturbance in the conscience of abortion promoters and the childish tendency to excuse one’s own bad behavior by pointing to someone else’s. Not to psychoanalyze our opponents, but we do know the law of God is written on every human heart, and to repress the voice of conscience can lead to dysfunction, denial and further moral turpitude. This is a profound spiritual pandemic in our time requiring urgent soaking prayer for our opponents. (Human Life International has an ongoing prayer campaign for the conversion of abortionists.)